
Showing posts from March, 2019

Group Project: Creating the Color Palette

We decided on a orange-brown and purple color focus for the environment. Our environment will  focus on a warm room, a neutral room, and a cold room. I was tasked with creating the main color palette based on the decision of a orange-brown extreme for the warm room which then turns into a purple extreme for the cold room.

Group Project: Reference Images


Unity Post-Processing: Bloom and Exposure

Unity Post-Processing: Post-Process Effects

Unity Post-Processing: Tone Mapping

Unity Post-Processing: Installing the Post-Processing Stack

Unity Particles and FX: Adding Fog to the Scene

Unity Particles and FX: Modifying the Appearance of Particles

Unity Particles and FX: Creating Steam Effects

Unity Particles and FX: Ambient Particles Dust

Unity Baking Lighting: Lightmap Results and Settings

Unity Baking Lighting: Adding Reflective Probes

Unity Baking Lighting: Light Probes

Unity Baking Lighting: Object and Light Parameters for Baking

Unity Lighting: Animating a Light

Unity Lighting: Environment Lighting

Unity Lighting: Light Properties

Unity Lighting: Introduction to Lighting

Unity Adding Audio: Triggering Sounds with Animation

Unity Adding Audio: The Unity Audio Mixer

Unity Adding Audio: Adding Ambient Sound

Unity Adding Audio: Intro to Audio in Unity

Unity Collision: Optimizing Collisions

Unity Collision: Applying Colliders

Unity Collision: Unity Collider Components

Unity Creating and Implementing Animation: Scripting and MonoDevelop

Unity Creating and Implementing Animation: Retargeting Third Person Character

Unity Creating and Implementing Animation: Physics and Rigid Bodies

Unity Creating and Implementing Animation: Animation Clips and Controllers

Unity Creating and Implementing Animation: Animation Basics and Editors

Unity Level Building: Prop and Scene Assembly

Unity Level Building: Roof and Floor Build

Unity Level Building: Placing Modular Assets

Unity Prefabs: Prefab Instances and Updates

Unity Prefabs: Importing Prefabs

Unity Prefabs: Creating and Exporting Prefabs

Unity Prefabs: What Are Prefabs

Unity Applying Materials: Advanced Custom Materials

Unity Applying Materials: Material and Texture Properties

Unity Applying Materials: Creating and Organizing New Materials

Unity Applying Materials: Introduction to Materials

Unity Working with Assets: The Unity Asset Store

Unity Working with Assets: Game Objects and Asset Creation

Unity Understanding the Unity Interface: Navigating Unity

Unity Understanding the Unity Interface: Customizing the UI

Unity Understanding the Unity Interface: Intro to the Unity UI